
We don’t know that there actually are multiple Wells. That could just be in Wells head.

William and Kara’s affection doesn’t come from nowhere, remember that one time they stood kind of close to each other for a few seconds? 

(Also that the latter even knew there was an alternate Beth and that she needed to die for Alice to live, I guess?)

The only obvious element was Beth’s death. The way they got there was very well-scripted. Some tropes are obvious, but a good story can suspend your disbelief and make you forget what you already know.

Seriously? You found it predictable?

I’d list off all the reasons why Mary was awesome tonight, but there’s not enough time and space. So I’ll just reiterate: Mary is awesome.

Wade, 38, began dating Union, 47

Just saw the trailer for Lovebirds this morning before a showing of Birds of Prey. Kumail and Issa are a pairing that I did not know I wanted until now.  I hope it turns out as good as the trailer makes it look.

Yes, I’ve seen this trust at work on numerous episodes of those reality TV shows these “trustworthy” women and men are on.

Half the people on Earth are women, yet these celebrity brothers stay getting with the same 10-12? LOL

“I didn’t mean to hurt anybody’s feelings”. -says every trash bully when confronted with the fact that they are a trash bully.

Yeah I laughed at this quote from her.

Bullshit. She meant it. She just thought that she’d get more support than she would blast. I don’t care how crack addled and stroke damaged her brain is, she knew what she was saying and that it was offensive. She just thought the offense would play in her favor.

WW: but I get offended by the idea that we go through something you will never go through

I didn’t mean to hurt anybody’s feelings. I’m just having a conversation.” - Every racist 12 year old on the internet.

“I’m not out of touch, except for perhaps yesterday by saying what I said,” the 55-year old former crack user added.

We all know that black people (especially the children) will suddenly gain super powers when they need to reinforce their lies.

What she said to the officers broke me. Hospitals like that are scary places, especially to a little kid. What's worse is her mom picked this school (per the CNN link) because they supposedly were experienced with handling special needs children. 

Yeah? I wish they would've elaborated on that. How does a 6 year old destroy any property? Was it papers? The whole thing sounds embellished and shitty.

“destroying school property” and “attacking staff.”