
Sure...but looking at the crew, would you want to hook up with anyone there?

Ray and Nora can be the token straight couple.

Barring some unplanned (in the writer's room) romantic chemistry Zari may have with a future character on the show, I think they should keep her single and have that be a character choice.

I’m of the opinion that Zari isn’t interested in that kind of relationship with anyone. And that's just as valid as any of the other relationships on the show.

Also not a fan of Nate and Zari together. Not like that, anyway. I hope the LoT writers know better than to present this awkward scenario as an excuse to force a relationship that just isn’t there.

Can we just not with a Nate-Zari thing? Please no. And Ava’s “I don’t care who the real bad guy is” thing also came out of nowhere. Weird character beats in this one.

Also while I love all the queer & bisexual couples on the show I think it is okay if they have one straight couple

Just wanted to say that I find Kinja hilarious at times.

Ray and Nora are gonna be the token straight couple. Let us have Charlie/Zari.

El Cura was pissed because El Lobo was ignoring the need for narrative and just winning indiscriminately because he could. the stakes were supposed to be that the loser could never wrestle again.

Two small details I liked about this episode: John’s face when El Cura dedicated his fight to God, and the fact that the Heywoods are big supporters of hemophilia research, since Nate was hemophiliac before the steel serum. 

I think I’ve been spoiled by Doom Patrol because this episode felt a bit...tame? Still very glad to have the Legends back.

I feel like Nate and Zari work better as friends, don’t really want them as a couple. I’d love for the real reason Zari made that awkward face was bc her and Charlie were secretly hooking up on the side.

Ava’s Face-Heel Turn could have used more build up.  As it was her endorsement of torture seemed to come out of nowhere.

I really want this season to end with Mona learning that Rory wrote her favorite book and just geeking the fuck out.

The show runner also recently revealed that the original plan for the season was for Nate to legitimately team up with his father as a bad guy. Thank god they came to their senses on that one, as I can’t see any possible way the show could sell that.

Favorite moments from the episode:

I loved Zari calling Sara on not listening to Mona’s allegation of shenanigans at the Time Bureau, just as Sara once refused to take seriously her story about being stuck in a time loop, and pushing back instead of letting Sara steamroll her & demanding they investigate and Sara realizing she had a point and backing

- Mona is awfully mobile for someone who had her stomach stitched up.
- There sure are a lot of white people at that Mexican match.
- It is...EL SANTO! Or at least his non-copyrighted stand-in.
- Zari...and Nate? Ewwwww. Do not want. DO NOT WANT. DO. NOT. WANT.
- Ava, I’m laying this at your feet. She told you that she

She brought more, she just got hungry along the way and ate them.