
I’m 100% with George. If you can’t laugh and take a joke as a joke keep your ass home.

His reaction was definitely juvenile and over the top, but I’m still kinda with George Lopez on that one. We all know comedians at comedy shows are known to make more than the occasional offensive joke. If your skin is that thin that you are compelled to stand up and give the finger to the comedian - from the front

“[The George Lopez] show only perpetuates the stereotype that George Lopez is funny.” --Family Guy

I hope you’re just making these words up and they aren’t the actual lingo of some subgroup of people.

It’s almost too bad they already have a great Trump, because he’d really lose his shit if Rosie O’Donnell were in the role.

His name is Sheikh Yerbouti, you racist bastard!

Right? Everything about her extremely privileged and out of touch. But we are supposed to clap?

“I’d like to understand why we are undervalued and looked on as people who just spend money.”

No, you’re right. It’s not strange for her to defer in political matters. It just makes the whole piece farcical as it’s intended to promote the “modern, Muslim woman”, but actually she can’t talk about politics because her husband is part of a theocratic family that rules with absolute power over their own

This person seems awful.

I agree. Everything about this article was hollow fluff piece. I totally agree Muslim and Arab women are getting the short end of the stick when people in the west judge them as docile and/or unfashionable. But I’m also not going to back down from stating the obvious that obsession with modesty is deeply problematic

Does this entire thing ring somewhat hollow?

Unfortunately, the reality is that she is a Saudi woman and one beholden to a high-ranking male member of the Royal Family. She knows that despite what Jezebel and the Western press may rosily parrot here, her “role” is dictated completely by the whims of the men around her. Undoubtedly, the Royal Family approved of

My dad recently said “the problem with the Democratic party is that their electorate is better than the Party, while the problem of the Republican party is that their electorate is worse than the Party.”

I don’t think he can speak to “working class whites”. He was a vocal supporter of the Nation of Islam, compared 9/11 to the Reichstag fire, has called for reparations for slavery, and was sworn in on a Quaran. If you think that’s going to speak to any of those people, you are nuts. He may be progressive, but his past

Did well in the popular vote in the coastal states, but floundered in the middle states it needed to win the cumulative vote. It is not a single election, it is 50 elections, and while they won some of them by huge margins but they didn’t win enough of them in the middle where it counts. The DNC needs to figure out

As a white woman who voted for Trump (sue me), I can not believe the level of hate I have been seeing from both sides since his inauguration.

Feels hyperbolic

I appreciate you claiming your take, but I’m gonna have to disagree. Not that McCarthy can’t be funny, or sometimes hilarious, but top 5........nah

The nerve and gall of a so-called president calling anyone “so-called” - let alone a judge - is amazing.