
Correction for them: using gaslighting when you don’t what gaslighting means is hot right now.

A vagina hug.

Because I don’t support terrorism? You seem like a real deep thinker, advocating terrorism and then switching to insults rather than even an attempt at offering an argument in defense of yourself. I hear the Trump administration is hiring. I think they’d like your style.

That may be true, but you did just endorse using violence and the fear of death to limit political activity, which is once again, the definition of terrorism. So, you’ve just proved the assholes right. Good job.

Remember when that video killed his career? A Current Affair was alllll over it.

As a Catholic, who voted against Trump, I reject this statement.

he fears for his life to the extent that he’s moved to stop.

Celebrity gossip isn’t fake news. Fake news destroys countries, it doesn’t care about your silly little “celebrity” marriage, person I’ve never heard of.

Yes it is. Hate speech is free speech

Not throwing a fit and then getting self-congratulatory about it afterwards might be a start. Yiannopoulous would be just another ostensibly nameless writer on the right, like most people writing for Breitbart, or the Gawker network for the left, or any other place. But he lobs controversy, liberals overreact, and

Counterpoint: trolls thrive on conflict and getting a reaction, and so resorting to violence and/or vandalism as protest is giving him exactly what he wants. The entire scheme is to poke the bear and get people angry enough to provoke physical retaliation, and then say “oh look how violent these ‘tolerant’ leftists

The Neo-Nazi’s got what they wanted. A violent group of leftists “supressing campus free speech.”

Now playing

The video here cuts before it happens. Here:

I was about to post this because I was wondering how the Hell no one else had! This needs to be much further up the comments. It was his Howard Dean howl moment.

Whither intersectional feminism/identity politics... *sigh*

I think we agree, but I’m 100% serious. I don’t think examples of a man punching a woman in the face are good, period. There are a million other ways to make the point - for instance, the woman whose false accusation was behind Emmett Till’s lynching just admitted she lied. That is the kind of deeply fucked up racist

I thought these pseudo-intellectual masturbatory blogs were put to rest after we all realized there’s way more important shit right happening now than waging divisive, narrow-minded, childlike tantrums. Whenever you’re done whining over how terrible everyone but you is, get off the computer and go do something

I loved the reaction from the kids on Stranger Things and of course our gal Barb was stunning. (Sorry this pic is massive)

I love how you can tie literally every gun crime to the “gun nuts”, even in other countries with different laws and cultures.