
Very important to note that by the text of the order, there is NOT any block to Trump’s exclusion of refugees; this JUST says that people cannot be “removed,” which means that people are still stuck abroad. This saves those who were in the air when the EO was signed and who are currently detained.

No, this is all on Hillary for not reaching out enough. In my opinion she was the wrong candidate for the job. Two thirds of Americans think she is untrustworthy and they are partly right in that belief.

Jessica Lange is kween. I wanted her to play Bette too.

Oh fuuuuuuu....that last one, tho.

This is why I am so disappointed that I had previously misread that Jessica Lange, not Susan Sarandon, was playing Bette Davis. Lange would have oozed all over quotes like that.....I am just not sure Sarandon can pull off petty bitchiness.  (Though she did a damn good job at it this last election, ba-dum ching!)

Hill staffer here. Love this and just want to add...

Some shady Bette Davis quotes about Joan Crawford:

Fingers crossed that this is as campy-bad as Mommie Dearest.

Mom shade?

Are you in A better mood this week Kara?

I’m looking forward to I Am Michael, despite how loathsome Michael Glatze is. It’s a fascinating story. And about movies with explicit sex in them like Theo & Hugo or Shortbus, am I the only one who feels weird seeing hard dicks and penetration while sitting with a bunch of people in a movie theater? I always cringe

oh thanks! I could not get the avatar to fit so I am glad you can tell what it is (me=Luddite)

If you ever hear about me being arrested, and I think you will, it will be because they found me hiding naked in the Patriot’s locker room.

Ben Carson applied and was denied for lying about his profession. No surgeon could be that bad with a knife.

I don’t like how she constantly posts photos of her dead boyfriend to get attention. Let him rest in peace, Lea, stop weekend-at-Bernie-ing Cory for your career.

And egotism!

I’ve been in the grays since 2009, so who knows what the grays stand for? I wish Kinja or Jezebel never had a gray system. I was told I had to comment way more to get out of the grays and then I read comments that are vile and racist and somehow they’ve surpassed the greys?

I’ve never yelled at Kara. The most recent time I was ungreyed, I was stuck back in the greys within minutes. What irritates me is that the greys were designed to keep rape gifs out, not meant to be a cudgel to suppress comments, which is what the system has become.

Bryan: Are you really gonna marry this guy?