
But his meetings now begin at 9 a.m., earlier than they used to, which significantly curtails his television time. Still, Mr. Trump, who does not read books, is able to end his evenings with plenty of television.

Dear Sherri,

That is such a great point re: American Vogue mirrors the decline of taste and style in America. Even if we don’t agree on everything (I think there’s a way to please Mr. Newhouse as well as the public without sacrificing good taste) we agree that Ms. Sozzani was a true innovator!

hahaha I mean I don’t disagree. But I think the path of American Vogue is pretty well correlated to the destruction of culture in this country and the acceptance of reality tv as culture. I don’t blame Anna for that, I do blame her for falling into the trap of being a part of it.

I was commenting on the gif of Wintour used in the comment. Sorry if I touched a nerve, but American Vogue is sinking and Wintour’s alleged poor treatment of Franca Sozzani and Alexandra Shulman who were truly lovers of fashion means she engenders no good will from people like me who’ve been an American Vogue

Oh yes, because everything has been so fresh and interesting at American Vogue over the past 3 years! Multiple Kardashians on the cover, IG “Models” and “influencers.” Things are just so fashion forward there since they basically forced ALT out the door. I can’t wait to see what American Vogue will do next!

One more note on “micro” pigs: Some of the more moderate predictions on eventual size and weight aren’t straight up lies like the rock bottom ones are. They just assume that you’ll feed your pet just enough to keep it alive, but not enough for it to have normal growth. Good times!

You mean she’s like a person who looks older as they age? Weird.

I blame the parenting. Who raises a psychopath and doesn’t tell them to not keep a journal?

Exactly. Feeling sorry for her doesn’t mean you approve of, admire or condone her actions. It means you have the basic skill or imagining what it must be like to be married to that. Feeling sorry for Greta Carlson and knowing she didn’t deserve to be harassed didn’t mean I thought she was a good or moral person. You

That settles it. I’m now against Scientology.

I agree with everything except the fact that Adams is a 5 time nominee, does she have to get mauled by a bear to finally earn her due?!?

Huppert is a legend, she deserves some recognition over here.

Please, anyone but Casey Affleck. He is insufferable.

I feel like a shit person for even suggesting this. But my first thought is that they wanted desperately last minute to avoid another #oscarssowhite situation that maybe they switched it last minute? Like Amy Adams received the fewest nominating votes, and Ruth Negga was close, so they figured they’d just do her

I can’t believe they snubbed Hidden Fences.

It’s really not that tough to figure out why, is it....?

Scared by crowds and strangers introvert here agreeing with you. It was so cathartic and unifying to me to hear the group scream well up and explode here in Chicago. I marched with a group that was warm, funny, welcoming and very diverse.

My protest is better than your protest