
How would you all be reacting if it was one of the protesters that got sucker punched? Is it really Ok for someone, anyone, to be assaulted for excercising their right to free speach?

I’m mad about this because it totally justifies Fucking Richard Spencer continuing to drive this “white man victim” narrative. He can now say that the left is as violent as we accuse the alt-right of being. Did this change his mind about his fucked up, misguided beliefs? Not a chance. Did it further entrench him and

It’s weird to feel alone in saying that punching people is wrong, always.

And Josh has the cutest kid ever which is like a mini version of him:

How have I never heard this before? Jesus Tittyfucking Christ is now the thing I will say all the time.

Kellyanne Conway, “President Trump is having the jellybeans audited, he will release the finding when the audit is done, it is the lying media that only cares about the jellybean count.”

That’s the most jelly beans ever in one place at one time. Period.

Holy shit, I never realized he was that young. He looks TERRIBLE. And he JUST started the official job, so we can’t blame it on the White House-induced stress.

If my suit fitted that badly I’d be furious too!

I give him six months, tops. Either he’s going to find his soul and quit, or Trump is going to blame him for the press’s increasing incredulity and fire him.

An awful speaker. He really needs to work on that. This is a tough job.

MrsJujy and I marched in NYC. I asked her if I could drop a log in front of Trump Tower. She said no. I listened to her.

People are always comparing Trump to Hitler. But, c’mon, at least Hitler actually wrote his own book.

That guy is going to be very busy for the next couple of years.

I was literally yelling at my TV.

This feels like a metaphor for his entire time in office. Look grand but turns out it was stolen from someone else and it’s fake inside.

NO, those fucking anarchists gave these border agents the ammunition they needed to say that the protest might be violent. FUCK THOSE ANARCHISTS. And the border agents. And the new administration.

I can’t even describe the noise I made when I read your comment. Well played.

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.