
Perfect. Thank God somebody came to work today.

Too right, great equivalent gaffe - tho there’s no audio (or even gifs?) of the sandwich “consumption” (I love how Wikipedia uses that word to describe his act, haha.

I wouldn’t waste your energy, or reason, on someone covering their ears going nana nana naaa naaa.


Whither intersectional feminism/identity politics... *sigh*

It’s part of the national British fabric! 😜 

Nope he was campaigning lol

This is the type of article that happens when the identity politics game is played out to its ultimate, inevitable conclusion.

This is the type of article that happens when the identity politics game is played out to its ultimate, inevitable conclusion.

Also: he also doesn’t like bacon, or, can’t eat a sandwich like a human being.

James Sears = Dmitri The Lover...

I agree. There’s a line between artistic/aesthetic erotic material, and straight-up plain fap material.

Canadian here. I’d never heard of this store until today when Michael K wrote about it on Dlisted.

I agree. Sarandon can eke out a slight physical resemblance to Bette, but she doesn’t have the bearing or commanding deportment, yet anyways - from what I can see.

Kara, probably.

Starred, and same!


That video and Shia himself look pretty divisive.

I, too, have great difficulty buying that she’s half this dude: