
Well put!

Good point! This can of worms is tacitly sidestepped in this whole debate here.

Welcome to a Kara post, here’s a pie chart illustrating how you can expect to spend your time here (depending on whether/how you respond):

I looked on Wikipedia and apparently he turned 45 last September.

There is like an inch of air between his shirt collar and his jacket!

Remember Josh?

I laughed at that. It’s times like these that I need the gutter to have a little chuckle.

It’s always refreshing when evidence is deployed in the comments, rather than buzzwords around identity politics.

Where’s all the stars?? Travesty!

Thank you so much for your bigger picture, magnanimous post.

You, madam/sir, have crossed the line! After you moved it!

✨Joan Rivers would approve! ✨

Not jerky at all, from my vantage point. Often I find she is over the top in her weekly preamble before getting down to business with the cases. She’s just angry at so many things and people!

My weakness is my hunger for all things shade because I worship at the altar of passive-aggressiveness. So I’m always back here every week like a masochistic dumb dumb!

Now playing

It’s the MO of the new radical left (I’m not condoning Spencer or the far-right)...


Those of the commenters, or the very ones she is making?

Right? Trick knows what she’s doing (or is doing what she was told).

Also, she looks like the head “stewardess” on Pan Am: