
HA! That’s exactly what I did!

I just tried doing it too (in my head) and I came up with the most random celebrities.

I had the same impression from her Daily Show day(s). Then she seemed to be angling for a take-no-prisoners-but-trying-too-hard smartie pants persona (I also remember her talking around the same time how her mum is/was a “tiger mother.”

Egg. On. My. Face.

She’s always seemed to me like she operates at DefCon-1 when it comes to playing the fame game.

That’s as good as a diagnosis, far as I’m concerned!

The hell kind of chamomile-drinking PhD T.A. look is that? At an NFL presser?

Aargh!! Too late to ETA. Fml!

As hot as the gay rumours about Rodgers are, I find Munn, after watching her interviews including her on Colbert last month, to be staggeringly head-securely-lodged-up-ass self-absorbed. And phoney!

Hi there, I enjoy your commenting!

Gotta keep
One jump ahead of the breadline
One swing ahead of the sword
I steal only what I can’t afford
(That’s Everything!)

One jump ahead of the lawmen
That’s all, and that’s no joke
These guys don’t appreciate I’m broke

[Crowd:] Riffraff! Street rat! Soundrel! Take that!

[Aladdin:] Just a little snack, guys

Truer words, &c.

Me too. I thought they just spoofed Harvey because of the Asian man thing this week.


Not drinking the kool-aid of cultural Marxists, I guess?

Totes McGotes!

I think the judge would have to recuse herself in the interest of impartiality. 😂

She’s half-Jewish and he’s half-Syrian.

Oh I hear you now (wink).