
It’s her whole shtick, getting professionally offended is this person’s métier.

“I don’t know what Kara’s going to complain about...”

Rockette Choreographer:

“We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.”

Ugh why am I still feeding you. Anyways, sorry about the SJW reference.

Lol not sure what I’ve said for you to conclude: lack of empathy! Psychiatric disorder!

Thank you for that note from the SJW Playbook.

A thousand apologies in advance to the Jezzie readership, for the following offensive term.

“Teach you how to lie? That’s like asking Pavarotti how to sing the high C!”

My favourite is all the charges on here of white RACISM!! “They” think all black people look alike/all movies with mostly black people are the same!!

Of course, it also throws a spanner into things that Janelle Monaé is in both Hidden Figures and Moonlight...

And his “speech” was so incoherent and poorly articulated. He sounded like a child up there. Where was the Christian Slater gif when I needed it.

Indeed! (this needs far more stars)

*points and laughs* HAHA trick got schooled.

Lol thanks!! I imagine it will feel rather foreign at first.

Also: you’re descended from a Habsburg??!

Having ladies-in-waiting: nice work if you can get it!

This needs way more stars!