
I received a letter from Buckingham Palace in response to one I had written thanking HM for her demanding Royal Tour of Canada in 2010.

I received a letter from Buckingham Palace in response to one I had written thanking HM for her demanding Royal Tour of Canada in 2010.

Talk about nominative determinism!

Too right!

He has many points though, which is why the guests were stumped by most questions, and eventually walked out at the prompting of their coddler.

Now playing

I “shot called” (?) you because PitzerGrimmace responded to my previous post to you.

I’m saying, in response to DeePDX’s lengthy post, that when you go out into the world looking for people, places and institutions to be offended by - based on atrocious practices like slavery that ended long ago - you are giving away some of your agency to attain personal happiness and self-actualisation.

Wow, that escalated quickly!

Eleanor Roosevelt said “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

So punching “up” = racism OK

So punching “up” = racism OK


I can’t wait to serve a black, grown man customer, and refer to him and in the third person as “that black boy over there, his order’s up.”

Hardly innocent! Referring to any adult male as “boy” runs the gamut of countless negative connotations.

I know John Oliver for his outstanding work on the Daily Show. I also try to catch some of his HBO clips from time to time (like when they’re featured in blogs).

Clearly, you have never set foot in England.


So has Mike Pence reached out to her to perform at the inauguration yet?

But she said these words in her own church!