
From my point of view, the role of feminism in sex is the ability to own your sexuality, without shame or anxiety or the need to explain oneself. By remaining a virgin because you do not feel ready to engage in sex, you are doing just that: taking ownership of your own sexuality. I say brava.

I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS ARTICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had to reteach myself not to allow other people's ideas about sexuality to dictate my sex life.

LET'S ALL JUST HELP EACH OTHER is my new sex mantra.

'You' start therapy? Uh... that in and of itself might be the problem, that 'you're' the one with the problem. Hope it helps but be prepared to find out there are underlying reasons you don't want it. I know when I get mad at el esposo, the likelihood of sexy-times goes WAY down.

That 'in the mood' advice is really important. After a stressful work day (aka most days), I am rarely 'in the mood,' unless I've had some wine, and this is despite the fact I generally have a high libido. That doesn't mean I don't really enjoy sex during the week, however, and find it a great stress-reliever and a