
She seemed really distracted, especially as the show wore on. I think she had some personal stuff going on, and seemed really caught up in that Rolaskatox clique bullshit.

It's true about Chad's performance. I completely forgot that Delta did her first.

Eat to the Beat was my first adult music album; my Mom bought it for me when I was 10 or 11. Blondie played a huge part in the evolution of my musical tastes. I was almost in tears seeing the two of them, then Chris Stein revealed himself as a Drag Race fanboy.

There were TOO many cartwheels for me. Sonique got read for turning her LSFYL into a gymnastics routine.

Yeah, this seems more and more like critique fuckery. Like when Dan Savage tried to tell the queens not to be funny in that political debate. Which most of them completely ignored.

I think they said she had used her one neon look for skating. So, I'm guessing she didn't pack/plan that well, or hoped there would be more materials available.

Yes, what the FUCK? Bob's look is hardly ratchet.

I think she's just one of those people who have a heart of gold, but a potentially obnoxious AF exterior that they are somewhat oblivious about.

Yeah, I think Detox was in the bottom for performance, but it seems like they read her for that look as well.

I hear they want to bring concealed weapons to the GOP Convention (here in Ohio. I'm so proud.) A former co-worker is supposedly working security/disaster management for it.

She truly was a lovely person. That whole exchange between her and Chi Chi on the runway was so refreshing to watch.

Two Chers and two Beyonces. How did I forget all of this? (Thinks about those performances….) Ok, now I see why.

The mariachi look wasn't my favorite, but I loved. LOVED. that jellyfish dress and never understood why she ended up in the bottom for that.

Still bitter for the reading Laila got on the first challenge. That was some legit construction on that jacket.

Oh, you're right! How did I forget those two magnetic performances?

Someone pointed out on here a few weeks ago how hot Lucian was with the silver hair, and tonight I was like okay I see it .

She was very sweet, but both of her sashays were legit. There won't be a #justiceforNaysha is what I'm saying. I knew how that lipsync was going to turn out before it started, then the wig fell off.

It was better than the last Blondie lipsync.

I've never been much of a Michelle fan but she was so full of shit tonight . Every bitch who does drag talks about how expensive it is, and rightfully so. There was an insensitivity to her remarks that really pissed me off. That bitch has no memory of what being broke is like.

I did love John Salley and Henry Rollins too. Straight men who are tickled by drag (and aren't encumbered by adolescent gay panic) charm the shit out out of me.