Just like the first list, this list consists of Black movies from your generation and lacks good Black movies that weren’t that mainstream, but resonate to this day. These are just a few:
Just like the first list, this list consists of Black movies from your generation and lacks good Black movies that weren’t that mainstream, but resonate to this day. These are just a few:
Of course the best part of this is republicans have no idea what products coke owns outside of coke. Over on brietbart they were switching to other brands owned by coke...
That is a good example of the ignorance racists are known for: racists think they get to define a person’s racial identity, and that what that person thinks about themselves is null and void. Then they get all upset when a Black person calls them white! Chile, the stupid just goes on and on...
In past census surveys, more than 80% in this group have called themselves white, The Times analysis found.
Praise hands activated.
“Happy Columbus Day from people who wouldn’t exist if not for the Trans Atlantic Slave trade,”
The Movement for Black Lives—a coalition of 150 organizations from across the nation that was formed in 2014 and has…
Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit.
Just want to note that Trump signed the bill to give that money to HBCUs In DECEMBER OF 2019, right as his ass was heading Into a re-election campaign and In need of black votes. Not In 2017, not In 2018... no, the ass-end of 2019. Now, do they need the money, sure. Do they deserve the money (considering all the…
“Trump has now become Presidential.”
Coronavirus disease, or COVID-19, has traveled across the world, and its numbers—of new infections and deaths—are…