Vanessa Futrell

Even the kings and queens of “woosah” need some down time. Whenever you feel the need to do so, please remember to take deep cleansing breathes throughout and drink plenty of ice cold water. Trust me...this will help you to feel better.  With love. your Auntie Vee.

We are going through extremely hard times but not more than our fore-people did. It is exhausting but I believe that we POC have forced a racial reckoning upon this country and that we will succeed in reaching the mountain top. 

Aren’t we all? Some days I’m just so tired of dealing with the crazy white shit that’s going on in this country. Please take this advice from your Auntie Vee: pace yourself, exercise self-care, and deep breathe on the regular.

Hey yourself, nephew. How you doing? 

Good for his hymen patrolling ass! 

Since I check 86% of the Auntie boxes (I’m subtracting 14% for the church going part), y’all can now start calling me Auntie Vee.

* of the United States against POC. I’ve had some wine and I’m thinking about my grandfathers and my father who fought in World War II and the Korean War, respectively, in order free the people of foreign countries....and then came home to a country where they could not sit down in a fucking diner. Bite me! 

I don’t care how she meant it. Barack Obama is the first Black president of America. 

This dubious honor goes to Toni Morrison who called Bill Clinton “our first black president” in an article published by “The New Yorker’ magazine in October, 1998.

Most I do but others I prefer to cut them off at the knees and shove their legs down their throats. I’m also a woman who doesn’t like to be told what I should or should not do.

Wearing a “Make America Great Again” tee shirt and a “Heil Hitler” mask is the same difference in my book.

*cut out of the same fabric as Charles Manson

*the racist beliefs 

*when Momma spoke, without ever raising her voice, everyone listened

Why not both?

I am heart sick at watching another Black person begging for their life at the hands of the police. The fact is that cops have declared war on Black people. I stand with Malcolm X and NWA... “white people are blue-eyed devils” and fuck tha police

“Bad is now Good.” FIFY 

Dear Monique,

Greetings Jay23...Thanks for the laugh!

To Pay Attention: Eat shit and die.