Also Slate is with you
Also Slate is with you
he’s going to blame that on Sessions and let him be the fall guy, acting like he had nothing to do with it (when we all know he did) as a pretense for replacing the AG with someone who will scuttle the Mueller investigation.
I’m starting to wonder if now that he’s reversed course on taking children from their parents, he’s going to blame that on Sessions and let him be the fall guy, acting like he had nothing to do with it (when we all know he did) as a pretense for replacing the AG with someone who will scuttle the Mueller investigation.
With all the theatrics surrounding Donald Trump’s signing of an executive order to end family separations at the…
We can see that, but you know his base won’t.
WTF? How exactly is slavery not an absolute evil? Do you read what the fuck you write?
“Don’t upset the apple cart.” <— what every white child is taught (most likely because historically the majority of the apples have gone to us)
I feel like a broken record, because I so often say this on your articles, but this is brilliant. And it is shattering, and I wish that everyone would read it.
Most white people don’t actively fight to eradicate inequality and injustice because they usually benefit in some…
What a dumb bitch.
Why do White people think this easily refuted nonsense?
After a day-long horror show of stories, images, and audio—including of young undocumented children crying out for…
Wait, so she’s going to practicing again in 2 months??
revealed that Augustus used a riding crop on the buttocks of a patient
Wait until I tell Moms she’s been a psychologist all these years!
I am shocked, shocked that an establishment called “Christian Psychiatric Services” would engage in non-therapeutic practices.