
Shortly after the video made its way onto the internet last Friday, the club confirmed that all four players had been released

Dumhoulin added that for the first time in his life he regrets not wiping out.

He just didn’t want to finish in number 2

One is actual food for offspring, the other is waste material?

My dad always said it’s not really Gatorade in there, but I had no idea.

Does she talk like that to the waitstaff at the Country Club, when the G&Ts are running low during the Junior League Garden Committee meeting? Yes, I believe she does.

The real hero of this video is the dude on the Smith Machine pausing from his reps just long enough to shake his head dismissively.

You definitely use clips for this amount of weight. His two issues were (1) ego lifting and (2) using bad equipment. In competitons, either OLY/Strongman/Powerlifting, a clip or clamp is always used to secure the weight. This guy had no chance in hell of squatting this even if it had stayed on.