
that is how you spell zhushing? mind blown.

i’m not finding much coverage of this story on other sites. a quick scan of hollywood reporter didn’t find anything. strange.

I love Hester!

all parties in this drama need to STFU, crack open a pepsi, and all will be fine.

oh no... the cheese ratio is off! oh my goodness! oh dear! oh no!

R. Kelly belongs on here, yes?

pu-lease. your breath is skid mark. #hotair

says the plebe! you would never understand.

hot take: you don’t know jack squat.


I went into this piece with a bad attitude, but I ended up agreeing with it completely. Thank you.

cute to see a jezebelista turning her nose up to anyone with a REAL job.

is there a dick coming out of that thing?

and the titty fix. how pedestrian.

she actually has a legit smile.

I would date Michael Fassbender if I were single. Yes. I would. Also if he were gay. #goodstory

Also, New York Magazine plain sucks.

“Hmm. Ryan Murphy’s take on “the ball culture world” is something that the world might not need, but hey, who knows.”

UNPOPULAR opinion: Adele and Beyonce are boring.

I’ve seen entries on this site (or maybe Gawker, R.I.P.) about Donald’s hair and ill-fitting suits. I will say here and now that all Republicans are terrible dressers/self-stylers and this should be discussed openly and freely without fear of criticism from the “lamestream” media, including the NYT.