
With the continued push for EVs, lets hope those supplying the power grid can keep up. Building new power plants to keep up the day and night power demands hasn’t been a popular subject matter lately.

Well seems to sum things up well, $1 Billion and you kill and injury people, $15+ Billion if you rig a test and demonstrate the government doesn’t adequately test to ensure compliance.

One piece of the puzzle that has had little attention so far is taxes on EVs. Currently there is a federal and state tax on gasoline and diesel, which in theory is supposed to support the underlying infrastructure. At the moment EVs are not part of this picture, but provide similar “wear and tear” on our roadways on

Takata has a $1 Billion settlement for faulty airbags, has caused the death of 11 people in the US and countless injuries; VW Federal diesel emissions, which would still pass individual state emissions, and is looking at $14 Billion in costs so far. Something seems amiss.........