
I think you need to examine your anger issues. You’re talking about going around punching people in the face who already have severely broken legs.

Neutral: What Can Lexus Do To Get Sexy?

I liked the podium photo.

So a front-engine car creates a nice pivot point for the rest of the car to move relative to. Since the rear of the car is some distance from the heavy front, there’s a bit of inherent latency that gives you more time to respond and adjust your inputs to maintain the slide. A lot of F/R cars also have some

Yup. I have the Ryobi 4 stroke and the blower, edger, and tiller attachments. This feels more like an ad then an article.

Not in the least. There is nothing that I would enjoy more than building a bike. But Poll’s take on folks who buy motorcycles, the one’s that you make a job out of reviewing, is an utter bunch of crap. It should not be tolerated nor supported.

Sorry, but fuck no! The original dirtbag movie was a fucking joke. It wouldn’t have been too bad if the the trailer represented the movie in the least. But no. The host, Poll, wasted half of it calling folks who don’t build their own bikes losers and unworthy to ride.

To be fair to the Shelby, we now know that the Cozz doesn’t like anything that fights back...

Cool post by a guy with a VW handle. :)

I was going to point out the same thing except the not passing on the right thing. Trying to practice that in the USA is simply not practical. Believe me, I’ve tried. Well before I ended up the slowest thing on the road, so now I don’t pass anyone but on rare occasion. Anyway the Mustang driver couldn’t pass on the

Here’s what I have to offer... Since the left lane is an HOV lane, we are left to assume the Mustang couldn’t legally enter that lane. The Audi in front of the Mustang hit his brakes for whatever reason, so the mustang had a reason to change lanes (Faster speed). We can’t tell if the mustang used his blinker but he

Maybe I’m wrong about the definition of ‘passing on the right’, but the Mustang sure looked like it was just trying to move to the outer lane(s), possibly heading towards the upcoming exit.

I can’t tell if the Mustang driver signaled, but he definitely did enter the #3 lane before the truck did. He did so smoothly and without any sudden movements. That lane did not belong to the truck in any capacity. By the time the truck attempted to merge, the Mustang was already there.

Fortunately for those near you, you haven’t chosen a firearm with any reasonable chance of firing more than one round.

With that mindset and your inability to read, I sincerely hope that you haven’t been trusted with any firearms.

Thank god you’re not in charge of anything, we’d all have a nice green glow by now.

I am super skeptical that the missile interceptors would have changed Putin’s calculus. The TOPOL was designed specifically to beat these interceptors (which have a rotten track record in testing).

We know why this is happening. The completely inept handling of post-war Iraq by the Bush Administration. If they had kept the baathist around and the army employed there would be no ISIS.

1. He’s not wrong, so you’re going to attack his grammar.

2. Obama has been pretty miserable in his handling of all of these situations. But as Jerry stated, it’s tough to do anything against Putin when we, as a country, ceded the moral high ground.

3. Red herrings. The Middle East was *relatively* stable prior to our

1. Canceled during Bush admin by Gates — Obama actually deployed the F22 in combat and has moved more into the Middle East. Zumwalt is still going on. (Zumwalt is a disaster btw, was supposed to be 28 ships, now going to be 3 useless boats without CIWS or BMD, and the long range gun doesn’t work)