
So this post is a few days old, but the answer to your question is no. It’s actually a much better trans than the auto. The auto was a weak spot on these vehicles.

260hp, but either way that is also a underrated car. I have literally driven an SS sedan and a MS3 back to back. The Cobalt the better driver. Probably more reliable too. But the Mazda was a lot nicer to sit in :)

Owning a 2009 myself, I agree with most of your complaints. I had the AC clutch fail, destroying the compressor with it, the blower fan go out, a rear spring break. Te boosy limiting in 1-3 is bd eough, but add in SEVERE limiting if the steering wheel isn’t pointed straight, and it becomes ridiculously hard to

My daily driver! Perfect dad car for me. Significantly cheaper than a comparable WRX, quicker, nicer interior, more fun out of the box, and cheaper to insure. Finding a unabused one is not easy though.

That has to be the best use of a Romancing the Stone reference in the history of the internet.

Lol, seriously?

Live stream and commentary? You go-to to provide the URL for this stuff, that sounds awesome.

Just because YOU don’t you use them doesn’t make them useless. I daily a manual, my wife drives a 2014 Mazda3 auto. I really appreciate the paddle shifters, and the fact that they are active outside manual mode. A decade ago, I would have agreed you, but modern autos are far more enjoyable to shift manually, even if

WRC! WRC! WRC! Monte Carlo is this weekend!

Yes yes yes, the coffin spokes. I need those in my life.

Exactly, these guys didn’t make these pace notes, they were provided. There is no recce. I feel like this is a really important distinction that most people won’t realize.

Psst... This debuted on the 2014 model (literally looks identical, it’s my wife’s daily), and similar clusters are now in the 6, CX-3, and CX-5. Actually, a 2004 RX-8 cluster uses the same basic setup. Loved it then, love it now.

The car is capable of sub 3 second 0-60 times. The gearing isn’t the issue. He was just accelerating leisurely up to about 190. Watch the g-meter, it stays at a relaxed .1 to .2g until he hits 190ish and finally unleashes all the power, when it peaks at .4 or .5g. I would assume the purpose of the relaxed acceleration

uh...what? I don’t think a 0-60 time was the goal. The car is capable of sub 3 second 0-60 times. Watch the g-meter, it stays at a relaxed .1 to .2 until he hits 190ish and finally unleashes all the power, when it peaks at .4 or .5. I would assume the purpose of the relaxed acceleration was to keep the intercoolers

This. The average suby driver who sends his/her oil to Blackstone droves 4k miles per change. Also, 2 ppm and 2.5ppm, while a small difference, is still a 20% improvement in wear, and those were between a bunch if premium oils over short intervals. (Not complain to you, person I replied to, just adding my take

Negative, ghost rider. That is not truth. Post a photo. It’s possible pulling a fuse would disable the rear wheels in an automatic equiped car, which used a planetary gearset in the center diff and defaults to 90% of power sent to front during normal driving. Manual transmission Subarus use a viscous center diff with

WRC Rally Germany, free to watch on Redbull TV. Friday recap is already available, live stage sometime today along with Saturday recap, then a final Sunday recap tomorrow. I don’t have the times off the top of my head, but it’s is all available to stream after the fact for at least a few days.

Volvo 240?


... dude I think those are MSWs.