
As Petrolisti, we all wear an invisible, yet easily recognizable badge identifying ourselves as such. Self-bestowed, and earned through actions like choosing impractical, dangerous, cantankerous modes of personal transportation over more conventional, airbagged and crumplezoned ones, spending our dispensable income

Too bad about the hideous wheels though.

Exactly what you said. I used this technique many times. The shadows and lighting match up everywhere, and the scale of the man in the car and the man standing bear the trucks door also matches. There is nothing "shop'ed" in this photo. Darkroom tricks were used to make the subjects pop a bit more.

It looks like that is where the exhaust is exiting. So probably is flames.

Right? And these new fangled 11spd rear cassettes? Fitting 11 cogs where used to be 8? Makes setting up your rear derailleur a pain in the ass.

I feel like I'm the only one who thinks these are awkward looking. A shooting brake might fix that, though. It's mostly the rear third of the car that ruins it for me.

So... I kinda of want one. But I'd like to see what it would do with out the electrics. Dropping the electric motor and batteries would make it considerably lighter. They claim 140MPG (or so I read) using the TDI only at the current 1750lbs. So if we kept the weight target the same and dropped the hybrid components,

Ha, I take that back, it should be faster. MotorTrend got the 2010 to 60 in 5.8 secs, so I'd say 5.6-5.7 is a safe guess. 

People. People. Calm down. The stated 0-60 is the manufacturer's claim. They almost always sandbag. Seems to be especially common with the Germans. Mark my words, with a DSG the car should be in the 5.7-5.8 range.