Van Candy

This one wasn't quite as uplifting as the trailer suggests, and I can't quite recall when Solsbury Hill played in the film. Maybe when Jack takes an axe to Scatman Crothers?

The Fight Club trailer, I would argue, uses "Where is My Mind?" to maximum effect, and is one of the greatest trailers ever.

Best of the Nightmare series, thanks to Don Dokken.

And I mean that with respect

Don't let them bury him. He's not dead.

Luke, uh, Bracey sleeps with the fishes.

As an angry young man, I was all about snap judgments.

As an angry young man, I used to hate Jackson Browne, both for the overplayed radio hits and his being an abusive douche. As a I matured into disgruntled middle-age, I discovered Late for the Sky and realized the dude had created at least one killer record. There's something about the cold-blooded lyrics juxtaposed

The correct answer is most definitely Banks' Culture. Unless, you know, you get involved with Special Circumstances.

No Alabama from True Romance, no dice. That scene with Gandolfini was more bad-ass than almost everything in this montage.

The Knife "Pass This On"

Or Kerosene

Thin Lizzy "Jailbreak"

This was already perfected by the wedding band in Old School

Shriekback "Nemesis." For some reason I hear Father John Misty doing this. Or the Polyphonic Spree. Someone mental I guess.