vanana me it’s much more common for pregnant women to be the ones withholding sex than their husbands. It is very rare for a husband to be turned off by husband wife being pregnant...I don’t think you’ve read a representative sample 😂In pregnancy most women get extremely hormy in the second and third trimesters

Are you a child? Pregnant women become quite familiar with bodily functions. I promise you that having a child is worth shitting on a table a million times. It’s bizarre that you seem to think one can’t be a feminist and a mother. And especially bizarre that you would be offended by someone showing you an

...that is not a thing that happens. Cleaning the uterus of poop. I think your friend is confused

Yeah of course. The baby and the poop are going to be very close to each other. The baby is cleaned up before being handed to you (unless you’ve request not), but the poop is not harmful to the baby - in fact research is coming to light about postnatal Exposure to mothers’ poop being the missing link that causes the

C sections are much more dangerous than vaginal birth, so I’m not sure why you’d be less anxious about it. Ther is a very considerable risk of hemmorhage. They are also extremely painfu to recover from and you’ll have permanent scarring. Furthermore they exacerbate the risks of long-term health problems in the

Hello from the other side - have babies. It’s worth a bit of poop. 😊

Wow, applause for you. You clearly know what’s important in life.

Becoming a parent?’ll need to get used to not being a control freak 😊 Your labour will be totally out of your control.

You really don’t notice. Believe me.

There is growing evidence that exposure to fecal bacteria during childbirth is beneficial; newborn gut microbiomes adapt to exposure and this is currently presumed to be why c-section babies have much higher rates of intestinal disease and malfunction as adults. Further research is needed.

Please stop with the “overpopulation” crap. This may come as a shock to you, but the majority of parents are probably more concerned about the future of the planet than you are, given the fact that they’ve actually created people that will live on it. Do a little research into the causes of resource inequality instead

Or maybe you could, you know, not be a completely selfish brat and understand the worth of family.

...sorry but from an actual parent, you are a Negative Nancy. Give up your social life? That’s doing it wrong. Not have any successful attempts at fun? Good grief, your childhood must have been pretty inadequate. Not enough sleep for years? How many kids are we talking about here? By the time they’re one you get more