Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet

Wow, they added a whole shitload of lightness to that SUV!

Bottled water is often more expensive than gasoline. That's why I only drink gasoline, and Brefass Scoth.

Ol' Shel is going to sue the shit out of them, and this will never see production. Otherwise, it sounds fantastic.

@$kaycog: That's the best that model has ever looked.

I find it hard to believe that Angelina Jolie ever needed to put that much effort into picking a guy up.

@SpiegelsGodComplex: I miss the good old days, when your operating system was on a cassette tape. Or when a four function electronic calculator cost $2,000. But people bought them, and that permitted those industries to improve and advance, transforming their products to the point where they dominate the market at

I like the way Joe Biden is always willing to plainly say what he's not thinking. But electricity costs vary with location, how the electricity is produced and utility variances. I'm sure it's more expensive than gasoline somewhere.

Nonfunctional rear wing? Very bad idea.

Maybe I should put on an auto show? I would like some free drinks and BBQ. And monies.

I hate SUVs, but I think I have to have this.

An electric range Rover should be the ultimate in convenience.

Those photos look like a ransom note: Buy the car now, or I'm leaving it here overnight. You wouldn't want anything to happen to that pretty face, would you?

Tell me there's at least one Merlin Zephyr.

Tell me there's at least one Merlin Zephyr.

@Jackie: It would make you a Phantom menace.

Damn, I guess all the other questions have been answered. That was quick.

I'll wait for the sequel, where it will fight Godzilla, and probably leave Tokyo in ruins, again.