Vampire Yoshi

And I cannot make this any more plain, in turn: I don’t give a rat’s diseased hind end what liberals think about the President, I care even less about their political views, and I certainly don’t care if some overpaid sports athlete doesn’t want to accept the honor of being feted by him, IF they were to win the World

Worthless XP cruncher with no storyline content to actually care about.  If this is supposed to be the future of gaming, then I'll look into starting a new tabletop group.

Actually, you haven’t shown that good is dumb, you’ve shown that Bioware wasn’t as interested in writing a light side ending as they were a dark side one, and so they had lazy ass writing for the light.

So long as they force everyone to buy the same damn chassis from the same piss-poor manufacturer, and don’t allow actual competition where teams can enter cars that they don’t have to sell to everyone else, the sport will be in the toilet. That is the entire problem, period. Take off the manufacturer-label requirement