
I am one that loves a massive open world. One great game with many features, quests, and options excites me. I never plan to play 12 games a year just 3 or 4 good ones. So I am glad the creators made Odyssey as they did. Personally if I like something as I do with Odyssey I will continue to enjoy it over the coming

Maybe but the idea of microtrasactions can kill the bank account. Movies are not that expensive it’s the popcorn soda candy that’s adds up. How much would you pay for DLC for extra 5 hrs of gameplay and then that sword and new spell, dragon, and horse mod. If you have 50 mods at $5 each I just made $250 from what is

It’s all about money. Bethesda wants to make money from the work of the modders, they say cut out the middle man, not create one.

It’s all about Money. Now the mods we got for free will be fee based, from today to forever.

Sony’s console had file size limits. The PlayStation 4 would only support mods up to just 900 MB, whereas Xbox One owners can add mods up 2 GB in size.

You could not be more wrong. People will buy a console for mods and to play them on thee games they like. Some of us are working professionals and do not have the time to play ten games a year. We pick one really cool game with a huge open world which can be modded to add new placed, new gear, new magic, new

Unfortunately I have to say you have greatly under-estimated Elder Scrolls gaming community as a whole. Skyrim sold 20 million copies similar sales to a game called Super Mario Bros, remember them. Individuals that take a interest in the elder scrolls genre were willing to buy a game sold in 2011 for $60.00 why?