Nah, it’s kind of an obtuse statement to have made...but it fits with what I think he’s trying to say. I get some of your confusion though.
Nah, it’s kind of an obtuse statement to have made...but it fits with what I think he’s trying to say. I get some of your confusion though.
Yep, exactly. And as such, Harbour’s comments make perfect sense.
Dude, it seems like you have read the comics...but I don’t think you get the thrust of what he’s saying here.
I’m really not sure about these things. Cute as they are...I’m not sure about them.
Ever since I started actually reading the Hellboy comics (after I saw both movies) I have slowly and insidiously begun to realize that those films were FAR from Mignola’s vision, and just how much GDT just cherry picked ideas and mashed them together to craft his movies.
I’m thinking it’s Stewart. We’ve done Hal, and so many people grew up with Stewart as their Lantern. It would make sense.
Eh, he’s doing just fine over on Supergirl.
Yep, and I’m thinking it will be John Stewart as opposed to Hal.
Why do you hate yourself?
Hellboy’s origin in the source material is about 3 pages. It’s touched on throughout the first few trades, and stories, but the gist of it is pretty short. And while it becomes more important down the road, the future movies (if there are some, hopefully!) can do the same touching upon that as an overall arc.
As a die-hard Mignolversity-Student...basically every bit of info that comes out about Hellboy makes me even more excited for it.
“flogging the weirwood tree”
Correction: He was SERVICEABLE in John Wick 2. He was not “good”.
Right? Common? Dafuq?
Indeed. That’s what I liked about that but of origin. It was quick and entertaining as a cold open to Last Crusade.
His point was that Raiders started without any of that knowledge. For like 7 years there was no “origin” for Indy. That’s all he’s saying. Not that it might not be explored in the future, just that with this film, you won’t see much of it.
I agree. Man, I kind of hope they are purposely “putting on a show” so they can properly allow Littlefinger to hang himself...otherwise the renewed rivalry is beyond STU-PID.