
You are aware that not everyone consumes movies and other media as you do? And that many creators don’t build their entertainment around unexpected plot elements?

Art has a lot of “points”. Maybe it’s to evoke an emotional reaction and maybe you’re denying yourself of the creator’s vision by spoiling yourself, but a lot of the time the “point” of a movie is entertainment. The point is whatever you want it to be because you’ve made the choice to watch it. You want to watch an

But we all promise to be really supportive of Elder Fahey if he’s unable to snacktaku because of his high blood pressure, right? Right everybody?... <sniffle> 

I think you might have the wrong idea of what qualifies as white-washing(And the things we are complaining about when things are white washing).

But I’ll keep it simply by saying, cosplay can’t be white washing. The only racial thing about this post is the fact that this guy didn’t use blackface to push the costume.

Unless you’re gonna count Mario Party Top 100 or WarioWare Gold and other such titles, Nintendo did not rerelease any DS games as a 3DS title. 

Pro Tip for the first guy:

These are one or two paragraphs that give you some characters, a monster, and some context. They have detail to them, but at the price point it’s probably worth the gamble even if you’re just looking for a big document of ideas to borrow from.

Yeah, those fucking assholes amirite? Those fucking pieces of shit. Screw them for not wanting to improvise. Anyone without the experience to run a smoooth session with no prep should probably just stop playing the game am I right?

you are a really cool dude. To make such a valid observation. 

Hope all my sarcasm isn’t

Tips on how to not smell at a con or in general:

“ It doesn’t apply to me personally, so it must not be true!!!

I played as a female elf rogue and romanced Blackwall because he seemed like the nicest guy in my whole crew. Then I found out that he was also an a-hole. Literally the only decent guy in Inquisition was Varric and he wasn’t even a romance option.

I see a couple of armchair lawyers trying to suggest your right to take pictures in public is completely unfettered. That is actually not correct.

These games were actually a big part of my gaming heritage - I had a bunch of them for NES. The combo game with Noah, Mary and Joseph, and David was crazy bizarre and a lot of fun - what other game let's you stack two pigs, a raccoon, and a chicken on your head? Joshua was really similar to Exodus, and actually had

I actually LOVED the Bible Adventures game for one reason. That fucking Noah game where you had to catch animals. That shit was my jam.

The “I gave you free exposure” bit is the worst in my opinion. Because it isn’t like he tweeted links to the site to buy the mug or included the name of the artist at any point. You can’t claim it is free advertising if you don’t let people know what it really is, specifically not your work but the original artist’s.

Yes, but we still need to call out these pseudo-predatory practices because there will be enough people that get sucked in with the promise of pay only to realize that they get nothing or very little.

a lot of the pro-spec work responses here strike me as coming from people who don’t do design work and haven’t experienced systems like these undercutting wages for the whole industry

I get the feeling the people commenting about how this seems like an overreaction, have not personally had to deal with the severe lack of stability within the games industry, and its ever-increasing reliance on contractors they can dump off at a moment’s notice

Normal, no. But more common than is healthy. Where the above is a grey area as to whether or not it’s truly spec work and bad for the industry, what you describe is EXACTLY what is frowned upon.

Fuck them for trying to pull this shit.