
So the article announces the 8th(?) game is Vikings, and you comment that it sucks that the series is “going” full Euro-centric... despite it apparently having done that ever since the 2nd one?  Why not accept that ship has sailed by the 3rd or 4th or 5th or 6th or 7th game? XD

But Egypt isn’t European.

The cutest Yoshi game everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~!

Does that also mean no Dragon Age 4 news?

That’s great news. Nintendo wants to play the long game, make lifelong fans, and not just churn-and-burn through wallets and good will, unlike some companies. And people’s good will, just like their money or attention, isn’t infinite.

Steel, Electric (because of his high-energy). Heck, maybe even Flying? Maybe the bandaid comes off and it’s a third eye and he’s Psychic. XD There’s no point to the speculation until we see the final stages.

Oh you mean how the Oshawott line is bipedal until you get to Samurott?

It’s too bad Pokemon games never really lean that heavy on their respective regional inspirations. Outside of the Eiffel Tower and the Froufrou (poodle) salons, you don’t get that much of a French vibe from XY.

Pshaw.  Incineroar is a literal wrestler with a belt and he’s still Fire/Dark.  Not worried.

I wonder if it's the animator doing the choosing, or if the companies just aren't offering contracts as often.

EDIT: duplicate post

Wii U didn’t really have any Zelda games of its own.  Just HD remakes of other consoles’ Zeldas, or games that’re already available on the Switch (like BotW and Hyrule Warriors)

I don’t know how you could say Pokemon wasn’t tons and tons and tons of games that people didn’t get sick of them. Releases between main series have been 2 years apart, with a 4-year exception between Diamond/Pearl and Black/White. But when you count 3rd versions and remakes, there’s been a Pokemon game every. single.

That’s too bad, because I’m really REALLY enjoying Yokai Watch 3 right now, and I’m hoping the series does well enough to bring 4 westward.  Yokai Watch is like Dad Puns: The Videogame.

That’s 4.  Yokai Watch 3 is the one where the protagonist goes to the USA. XD

My hopes are very modest.  Glimpses of Gen 8 Pokemon and the new Animal Crossing.  Release date for NA/EU Dragon Quest Builders 2.  Maybe some new details for the Game Freak-developed “Town”?

“Keep in mind that Japanese people who are born and raised in Japan, a country that’s around 98 percent Japanese, have a different experience from those who grow up abroad as minorities.”

Takes more than a month to add 10 hrs of content to a game. 

Posing a question that only has one objective answer isn't really a discussion.

I would watch it. Whynot.