
U_U Don’t crush my dreams.

Is it Animal Crossing Mobile?? IS IT ANIMAL CROSSING MOBILE???

Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns! Dunno where all the Stardew nuts disappeared to. This one has WAY more adorable pets. XD

Brand-new AAA games might be inaccessible, but not the MEDIUM of games since there are many, many games available for free or near-free, especially if you’re willing to wait for a sale/Humble Bundle, play free mobile games, or free indie stuff on and elsewhere. That’s like saying the medium of film is

Weird article, since everything in it could’ve been said of the original Splatoon.


I’d hit it.

Yeah, no one’s ever asked a video game for anything more than what’s been presented. That’s why every video game ever has a perfect 100 Metacritic score, because everything’s always perfect all the time, and no criticism has ever been needed. Games are always just games.

Too late. I already own it, just haven’t played it yet because of my backlog, the Ch 13 fix, and Zelda.

Wait, can you -only- access this alternative version after beating the game? Then it’s not really a Chapter 13, then is it?

I don’t see the point judging how other people make their money (provided they’re not committing crimes). Not everyone can be a miner or a cheese farmer, and we need fewer and fewer of those jobs anyway thanks to automation.

Competitive eating’s a thing. People make a living from it.

There are professional poker players. How’s it so hard to believe there’d be professional game players?

I’m hoping Nintendo’s Animal Crossing mobile game is planned for that “pay once” model, because my fear is being nickel and dimed for every piece of cool furniture.

Nooo, I love the Great Fairies. They’re so glam and fabulous.

People have different things they like/want in a game. Competition, Challenge, Exploration, Socialization, Narrative, Role-playing, Creativity, just shutting of your brain, etc. None is better than the other, just different. Compared to other Zeldas, BotW is lower in the Narrative scale, and SIGNIFICANTLY higher in

Respect is earned, though. There are a lot of people whose actions have caused me to lose all respect for them. Bill Cosby, for being a skeezy rapist. King, for trying to trademark the phrase “Candy.” Family members, for things they said to me during a holiday meal.

There were many people who were big fans of JonTron until he came out as a bigot, myself included. I would certainly recognize his voice in a video game, and would prefer not to be reminded about how he thinks that I’m less of a person because my skin’s a different color. 

Well, let’s start with the fact that Nintendo -doesn’t- develop these games. The Pokemon Company is a 2nd party studio, so Nintendo doesn’t really make the call for what IS the focus on the franchise.

Doubt it’s ever meant to represent a Pokemon game. That’s what Sun/Moon are for. This is just enough Pokemon to entice people to spend the $40 on the mainline series.