It's just so bad. LOL. Like... they just failed at everything they set out to do with this thing. Are they secretly trying to get more women to vote Democratic?
It's just so bad. LOL. Like... they just failed at everything they set out to do with this thing. Are they secretly trying to get more women to vote Democratic?
I liked the pretty dresses, but my tiny girl brain couldn't handle it when they started talking about budgets and debts and taxes and money and other boy stuff like that. WHO DO I VOTE FOR?
Fair enough.
OOf. I don't know. I think she's confused and has had a number of certainties about life smashed to bits. Would not necessarily call her a racist, however.
I think it's sue-worthy without the race issue involved. You can't run a business like a sperm bank and go mixing vials up. Fuck them! How hard is it to match a vial sticker with a number and place it with the right people? Give me a break.
Or your face. Just ... Just get out of there.
Let's not conflate salamandering with twerking. For the love of Big Freedia I urge caution in these times.
Yep! I tend to be anywhere from a 2 to a 6. Like, what? This is not logical at all. I mean, I suppose part of it is because I do have weirdly high-up hip bones that make pants weird, but that doesn't explain the variation in shirts and dresses...
In the same shopping trip I have purchased size 2 and size 8 items. This makes no sense.
I sincerely doubt she meant people with dwarfism when she used the word munchkin.
Everyone knows the best way to get your celebrity crush to do what you want is to racially insult their significant other. This is why Jennifer Aniston spends all her time on Twitter calling Angelina Jolie a cracker.
Judging from his body language, Clooney is clearly having second thoughts about his upcoming nuptials. He is very closed-off and his body is basically forming the number "1," which is the most singular number. As for Alamuddin, look at the death grip on her oddly small bouquet which seems to be the same size as her…
That made me so happy! I want to be a sexy jellyfish! I'm so happy to know that exists.
never seen a single episode of this show .
He essentially wished them an early death because of their choice of diet. If that's not tolerating something, I don't know what is.
Paleo is fine, but fuck those Crossfitters.
I can proudly say that I went through college without once being at a frat party. I do not feel like I missed out on anything...
I'm advancing an alternative theory: The butt is the only real part of her. Nicki Minaj is a sentient butt with a robot attached.