
I don't think citing a fictional TV show as proof that there are white gangs proves much of anything, just saying.

Oh man, I bet you have some great stories.

Wait, the goofy kid from About a Boy grew up to be that guy?

Has he seen a doctor? That sounds like an issue.

Their track record isn't so hot.

Very interesting point.

Why would they ever share that?

Oh okay, the rebuild phase has started. I smell (out patient) sex addiction rehab (with a not publicized side of cocaine) within six months, a duet with Sia and a return to former levels of fame.

I don't wanna die when I'm a hundred either.

It would literally take me 10 minutes to find and buy vegan cake in NYC. It might even be easier than finding real cake.

Or you know, she made the whole thing up for a good story on the radio.

Every single time.

Ditto. And I'm 99% sure not having the comments is considered a flaw by the content team behind this app.

Who wants Wonder Woman in comfortable flats and yoga pants? Everything doesn't have to be practival

did everyone kvetching about the heels forget she is not human and has super powers? I assume rocking a medium heel is cake for WW.

I love the heels. I feel more powerful in heels.

"This season, ladies, tell him how much you like being hit." Fixed.

If someone with 100+ pounds on you is punching you in the face, you might have a hard time thinking straight. Not saying that's what happened, but shit can get violent.

Tweeting this at Bababooey.

No gay I know would be caught dead.