
The saddest part is you actually thought I was defending Guido. Bless your heart, do you need me to post some links to GED programs? Please, keep talking about trailers, it's adorable! I was in an Airstream once, SO CUTE. Like you, and your punctuation outside of quotation marks. Seriously, if you're going to go so

No, seriously, have you ever lived in a home you actually own? Or, again, left the country? Highly recommend international travel, you can learn a lot! Basic bitch.

Ha ha where do you live, seriously? Have you ever left the country? I cannot stop laughing at you!

People swallow without the D in their mouth?! Doing it wrong.

It was a gay dude, he had no skin in the game (har har). It actually does make sense, see the other reply.

I'd eat this: Guy-talian Fondue Dippers $13

Thank you for posting this so that I didn't have to.

I wouldn't even hold a baby that wasn't diapered, so kudos to you.

She and NickelChad were on Stern together talking about their sex life (she was bragging about all the Agent Provacateur she wears) and I about passed out from total barfness.

He has had some major work done.

Why is she pretending to play guitar? There is clearly no guitar in the song.

Oh cool, thanks for clearing that up.

I need this stair carrying service in my life. Fuck sensible.

What a lucky lady she is.

Yeah, she isn't a size queen if she's calling it a Tic Tac.

I've been told it feels better when you swallow, for the dude. But most guys are just happy to have the d in yo mouth.

He's a nerd. Snowballs for everyone!

Everyone at the bar agrees this is the cheesiest move ever. See ya Friday bitches.

The only way this could be better would be some kind of Juan Pablo reference.

Call the Wah-mbulance. The show aired last night. If you don't want spoilers, don't read entertainment blogs.