
I don’t know, I kind of enjoy it. It’s not as interesting as Junkstein’s, but it reminds me of old school Golden Gun rules on Goldeneye. One shot, one kill. If you miss, run and find ammo and hope no one gets you. Would be better as a FFA, though.

I think the main problem is that in a normally well-thought out FF game, this would have only been a fraction of the story. In XV, this ended up being a majority of it.

What is your take on the current state of console gaming? It seems that current consoles are causing development in gaming to stagger. The PS4 doesn’t seem capable of really handling big games with PSVR (if RE7 has anything to show) and XV, while pretty, is having issues with being scaled down so it runs well on the

The game is, as everyone else has said, a massive grindfest. Quests don’t give XP. When you are eventually outleveled by your quests (and you will be), you have to grind for hours just to get caught up. The combat is fun, but what’s the point when you’re just running in circles killing the same mobs for 4-5 hours at a