
People are getting into accidents while staring at their phones? This isn’t news. Regardless of what’s on the screen people have been getting into accidents while staring at their phones for years. Further more, since when did being labeled mature become so important? If you want to be so mature why don’t you go read

Wow, since when did being labled as mature become so important, if that’s what really matters why don’t all you mature adults go read news papers, drinking coffee and watch re-runs of Judge Judy, or whatever it is you mature adults do. I’m going to running around outside catching pokemon and battling them with

Wow Pat, while i don’t drive and play, I will say that all of you “mature” adults can go drink coffee, read news papers or watch re-runs of judge Judy (or whatever it is you “mature” adults are into.) if being labeled as mature is so important to you. I’m gonna go running around outside catching invisible monsters and

Wow, while i don’t drive around to play pokemon (roller blades are a much more efficient way to play) i will say, why don’t all of you “mature” individuals go spend your free time reading news papers, drinking coffee and watching re-runs of judge Judy then, if being “mature” is so important to you. I’m going to go

Ok pat go enjoy your “mature” life of reading news papers, drinking coffee, and watching re-runs of judge Judy, I’m gonna go running around outside catching invisible monsters and battling them. If playing Pokemon makes me immature, then that’s fine, I don’t want to be mature, and I’m fine with whatever judgement you