Valory Queene

I lost my shit, too, buddy! Only, I just watched the episode, so I lost my shit like 8 months after everyone else. It's a lonely road. :(

I personally like it when they pair Belle with random other characters. She had a great episode with Anna last season, and an even better one with Mulan in season 2. They give her an opportunity to show off her cleverness, and I like the way the character solves her problems. Emilie is a pretty decent Belle, all

Which is funny! Because I remember everyone talking about how the last Ocean's reboot, and of course the sequels, were just about stuffing the cast with as many big names as possible just for the major bucks. pffffft, little did they know what was to come…

Meh, I'm cool with it. Who doesn't enjoy a good heist film? And if trolls want to go just to ogle the ladies in their inevitable cat burglar suits, as a loud and proud feminist, I say let 'em. My win is the film getting made, right? That way, everybody wins. I'm happy.

And she would be correct. But now all the people who hated her for having opinions before are going to vote for him. Thanks for ending the world, Jennifer Lawrence!! This is why we can't have nice things.

My sister would feel the same as you. As a writer, she can admit that his words are often brilliant… But gah, that voice just kills it for her. Whatever the reason, sometimes we don't all love "the greats"

REGINA SPEKTOR. A very annoying girl at my high school would sing her songs, constantly and loudly, I guess because it sounded great in her head. It didn't help that the girl in question made my life a living hell in other areas, too. So the end result is that I can't listen to Regina Spektor songs, which only

See, you say "negative fecal matter" and all I can picture is an angry poop. Or Agent Ward, as it were.

The real question is how one achieves the nookie with a limp bizkit. I always wondered.

Harry Potter and Die Hard? WHAT? ummm… ok, so in Harry Potter, there's a boy who's the main character, and he's special in some way or other. And in Die Hard, there's a lot of suspense and action and gadgets. THAT'S ABOUT IT.

I used to have a friend - imagine *the most irritating person on the planet* - who was really more of a bunion, and who had a hopeless addiction to Regina Spektor. She would go around, flouncing and bumbling to the tune of everything Regina Spektor has ever performed, all the while being the most asinine idiot the

For the record, it's also called "honeypotting" when a man does it.

THANK YOU. I checked the comments first to make sure someone mentioned this so I wouldn't be redundant. Thank you for making that exercise worthwhile. :)

Someone should tell this guy about like… 70% of all Alcatraz-related merchandise