Valory Queene

Sansa raped: no one cares
Craster's daughters raped: no one cares
Hodor dies: THIS IS NOT OK! WAAAAAAHHH!!! :( :( :( :(
I fucking hate this show's fans.

Came here for the sexist comments hating on the character (and therefore the actor) and was not disappointed. She has a point, whether you want to acknowledge it or not. Age of Ultron, for instance, picked up precisely where the previous episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that aired that week left off. It would have

No more Agent Carter. No more Galavant. No more Disney Infinity. It's like the people over there at Disney don't want me to be happy anymore… unless I develop an even greater thirst for Star Wars.

The big battle where they finally pit all these incredibly powerful characters against each other was some of the most fun I've ever had watching a movie. For fans of the comics, it's as close to those big showdowns as we'll get without X-Men, et al. And Spider-Man's Star Wars reference (spoilers?) was so delightfully

Oh, look, another gratuitous GOT article on AV Club. Groundbreaking.

If respectable media sources continue talking about nothing but Game of Thrones, they might just convince the world, full of viewers who could normally not care less, that this is a show worth supporting. I get that, and click-bait helps all these sites build revenue, that's fine. Just try to be less blatantly obvious

Writing about GOT so much inflates the significance of the show, which convinces people that it is popular, so they watch it to be informed. (Like what happens to some unfortunate people when they read about the Kardashians constantly). The show has a lot of fans, true, but it's not the universally beloved masterpiece

One day, hopefully quite soon, he will die for real (the character, not the actor) because the series will be over. And on that day, we can all finally enjoy some true peace.

Mark my words: Obama will have a solid film career after he leaves the White House. And I'm looking forward to it.

No, ok, but he still grew up to be Doug Stamper from House of Cards. No question.

Snowpiercer? Anyone? Not that it (or much else on this list) is misguided.

Usually, I live and let live when it comes to YouTubers doing their thing… But I have to admit this feels good, because I have long thought CinemaSins was a little too pleased with itself. Some things deserve to be toppled from their pedestal.

Damn right, son.

Why? I'm realistic. If you're leaving a hater comment like I did, you rightly assume no one wants to hear your reasoning, and adding it in the first place gets you an instant tl;dr.
If you REALLY want to know, how about a compliment sandwich? The show is of a high quality, with incredible actors and stunning

Just here to be one of the few haters this show so richly deserves. No, I'm not trolling, since that seems to be lots of people's only explanation for how anyone could possibly hate this show. But make no mistake - I honestly hate this show. No zealot like a previous fan. And now I'll go away, happy and satisfied in

THANK GOODNESS. I made a similar comment. I've never been more relieved to be redundant. (Except for when both "relieved" and "redundant" mean "unemployed.")

There was a Midsomer Murders episode where the plot revolved around this exact sort of thing happening. Enjoy, Mr. "In a story that would make for a pretty solid Law & Order plot" Hughes.…

There's so much to unpack in this interview, not least of which is how Lindsay Graham so evidently fits the definition of "punch-drunk." It makes me feel like the next few months will see a heartfelt outpouring of conservative contrition, which will probably be met by liberals with a short, sadistic dose of

"See you black home" was the line that made me cringe. Like… Just, ew. Unnecessary.

I wonder if it will ever be cool (for external link commenters) to admit that a marketing campaign is kind of interesting, while also having its drawbacks. *Complexity.* Instead of "this is everything" or "great, another app for children who just learned the f-word." Be honest, this is what your brain sounds like when