
Anecdotal, but as a bisexual woman who had no trouble attracting male attention, I STOPPED conforming to heterosexual beauty norms so much BECAUSE I realized women were an option for me, and men are the worst.

Thisthisthis!! I am a renter, I don’t even pay a water bill, and I’m SO CAREFUL about my water usage, because it IS a zero-sum game and it might just run out, sooner than we’d like.


Could be the lower half?

I’m sorry but Nebron and VadBunker are totally alien names. And Harlon Braun is totally the kind of name a human protagonist in a bad sci-fi novel about aliens would have.

Jeffrey Lash may not have been part alien, but VadBunker certainly rates as something only aliens with a three-month Rosetta Stone course on all of human linguistics would cobble together as a surname. So who was really the mastermind?

Please don’t reply to any transphobic comments or people calling her “Bruce.” Just flag as the hate speech that it is and move on.

This makes me much, much happier than it should. The idea of Ed Sheeran randomly living his entire life just to irritate you is so much better than the idea that he’s doing all of this because he thinks it’s a good idea.


As a white person, I’m fucking terrified that Trump is going to make some association on the media and only further the racial divide. I can see Fox having a field day. Ugh.

Do these people think that’s a teaching moment? Like “oh, I’ll show you, server person, with this super unnecessary comment on the check”? Because all it teaches me, folks, is that the world would be better off if you were eaten by dragons.

The truly American thing would be to charge for ketchup but give your richer customers loopholes to pay much less for it.

Wouldn’t free ketchup actually be commie? Charging for it is very American and capitalist.

Seems like Fraternities around the US will not rest until they are all disbanded and no longer allowed to exist. That is perfectly fine with me.

god why do people enjoy themselves in public when I’m trying to be a cranky mccrankster

This is still more evidence of the seeming threat to whiteness of black joy. A lot of articles came out about this idea after the McKinney pool party cop clusterfuck.

I’m with you on this one. I have a very narcissistic overbearing mother who had absolutely no boundaries and would barely let me out of th house. If I hadn’t been absolutely terrified of her and my father, a rageaholic with bipolar 1, I would have run away too. I definitely had a lot of inappropriate online contact

What is it about this story that makes me, in my admittedly inebriated condition, think there's something going on with the daughter perhaps trying to get away from Rosie? I can't quite put my finger on it but there's something giving me a feeling that either she's being over-medicated, unnecessarily medicated, or