Rootin' Tootin' Teddy Roo

A project like this is basically the only thing that could convince me to re-install a Bethesda game at this point.

The regret is visceral as the guy on the left goes for that slow blink.

You say that like there’s not a time to be masturbating.

Maybe they’re always adorable and you just never see it?

I think they may have forgotten that they’re not hardened counter-terrorist operatives in real life.

Hanging sharp knives from the door of something that you swing open and closed on a regular basis seems considerably more dangerous than just leaving them on a table.

With the caveat that I haven’t played the game, I think that the idea is a good one.

How many people knew this thing even existed?


Beautiful work. Nice variety in the subject matter too - the artist shows a lot of range.

This is mostly one big laugh to me, since I avoid completing D:OS2 because every battle becomes a slog after the first 40 hours or so. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to go back.

You realize that preventing your country from functioning over one hot-button issue is, in fact, selling out far more people?

Classic Tim Rogers, combining ass-as-hat ridiculousness with disconcertingly astute observations.

This people gets it.

It’s been all about Enter the Gungeon for me, lately. I suck at it, but I’m also stupidly stubborn, so I’ve gotten really really okay at the first level.

See, it’s a good game, but this comment perfectly encapsulates what drives me nuts about it (particularly towards the end). I don’t want every fight against throwaway mobs to take an hour or more - I want to be able to play for an evening and feel like I moved more than 10 feet from where I started. There’s no need

Reminds me of a pic I took of a character from a Skyrim mod I made, way back in the day:

“Daddy needs a break.”

Okay, I just figured out that XC2 doesn’t stand for X-Com 2.