
Have you had any changes in birth control? I ask only because when I was in the early stages with my then fiancée (now husband) my doctor put me on Nuvaring and it killed my sex drive. I could not get aroused by him and didn’t even want to kiss him. It took me like 6 months to figure it out on my own and started

My cat says “hey!”

Sighhh, I know.

I've actually only read one (A Walk to Remember) and it was actually enjoyable!

Someone on my fb made one because they really wanted a weenie dog that cost $1,000. I think everyone ignored them though haha!

But those prints are always so blegh! Forever 21 is the worst at this with their plus size line. I'll like maybe 2 things and they are usually striped or black.

sometimes I wish my mom would’ve told me little white lies (no pun intended) like this. She used to tell me everything just like it was, even at a very young age. I can hear her telling me all the sordid details in this story if it was our neighbors!

That's the biggest lie I believed. I used to think every time I heard a loud noise it was Armageddon. That shit fucks you up as a kid!

I’m glad you brought this up. There’s also people that binge shows while they work/study? I have to stay up late a lot because I work and go to school so I always have a movie or a series on. It makes my projects or work more relaxing. I’m stimulating my brain while I’m watching tv. However the emphasis seems to be

I’m the same way! I’m obsessed with clothes and can never have enough and I think it’s a direct result from my mom forcing me to wear horrible old lady hand me downs in middle school. I was so embarrassed. I still remember when she made me wear this clown suit looking thing (early 90’s) on the first day of school

My mom would always make comments about me being fat. When I was little (about 8?) my mom would tell people that she was going chain and padlock the fridge because I was always eating. I wasn’t even overweight, just tall and stocky. Then she was surprised when spent all of high school thinking I was fat. It took me a

I will probably watch this though 😑

I keep saying that to everyone because I refuse to believe it. Eurgh.

I always thought they marked up their items because of this.

More importantly I am shocked that Maxim is still around!

Blind Gossip says its fake and for ratings. She's never been one to make big announcements about stuff. But who knows? I don't see it!

And also Amazon. I get them about these prices on Amazon on the regular and I don't have to pay for shipping because I have prime. I just constantly go back and check.

And also Amazon. I get them about these prices on Amazon on the regular and I don't have to pay for shipping because

Mine is the same. He of the “tell me what to do and I’ll do it” mentality. But we also hired a cleaner that comes twice a month to do the heavy lifting. I work and go to school so it’s only fair that we have extra help in our hectic schedule. I have friends with husbands that don't lift a finger to clean or with the

I thought it was funny :)

I have a way different of a French girl in my head but I guess there's trash everywhere haha.