
I thought the same! Young Mike Myers. He should've worn a a better wig.

at least you're not like a friend's much much younger girlfriend who had never even heard of Saved by the Bell. I mean we live in the internet now, come on!

I like this. Especially the instagram part. I've stopped liking people's annoying posts. I used to do it out of obligation but now I don't and don't care. I'm sorry, I'm not going to reinforce anyone's ego liking their selfies or whatever they are bragging about. I miss when people used to post cool pictures of

I did somehong very similar except I just made a FB with a fake name. I know it's against TOS but I don't care. It's in super private lockdown and I don't have give info about where I work or went to school. I don't even have my marital status. What's funny is shortly after my husband did the same and used the same

total miss. But the Dove for men dad was nice.

because all lesbian porn is with porn stars? Come on now.

Now I know where the batshit anti-vaxxer I engaged with today got her information from. She quoted some of these things almost word for word. "We're meant to die" she says. Well bitch if you want your kid to die go right ahead but don't bring others with him.

I said in PARTS of Africa precisely for that reason.

one of the worst things I ever read was that this is routinely done somewhere in backwards ass parts of Africa because they believe it will cure them of AIDS. So they rape little girls and even babies. I don't want to live in this world sometines.

My dad is fron Mexico and my mom was raised there but they never saw any problem taking me out early to go on our vacays (to Mexico). Def see how one's upbringing would influence. Never got to go to Disney as a kid but in order to do these types of things with our kids now we have to budget. If we can save money, I

I don't understand why this is so hard for people to understand. Peak travel times are that for a reason. We went to Disney in Feb once before my oldest was in school and it was glorious. No wait times, got in and out quickly, cheap airfare.

When my older daughter was in her GT school, she would be allowed to miss school for trips as long as we submitted a form emphasizing the educational value of the trip. So even though we went to Legoland, we were able to talk about how she went to the San Diego zoo, etc. My younger daughter is in a regular school and

goths don't love Taylor Swift, which apparently people do around these parts.

you read my mind! I don't want us to get stale and be nice to know what he's thinking.

More importantly, you turned 12 in 2003? Damn I'm old!

Esspecially the latter when it's said by all the Austin transplants!

that explains her blockage!

I've just been reading all the stories and comments and this is what made me gag! Eurghhhh

yes exactly. The funny thing is that grown ass adults are picking this shit up from kids. Really, do adults need to say "or nah?"

God yes and most of the time the people "on point" most certainly aren't!