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    Feel however you feel. Did i see this store profiled on TV?

    I think Serpico was the last good cop. And the other cops tried to kill him.

    Property taxes and sky high rents are really how they take over. Once the property taxes go up many Black folks who own homes are forced to sell. And when rents go up many Black renters and Black business owners are forced out.

    I’m not boycotting becasue boycotts are meaningless. They apologize, get tonnes of free publicity and then they get our money again. It happens over and over again.

    So, Mr Don “pull your pants up and stop littering” Lemon is back in our good graces now? This is the problem, when Negroes start parroting racists we need to shun them forever. There must be a price to pay for blaming us for our ills.

    Coonye is just out of his weight class thinking wise.

    My comment is not pro-Joy. Just to be crystal clear.

    Um, gee, thought it was clear that this is NOT a pro-Joy post.

    “On Saturday morning’s AM Joy, the brilliant host of the MSNBC weekend staple, Joy Ann Reid, ...”

    This is why it’s so hard to be Black and LGBT. We’re abandoned so easily by the larger Black community. Smh. It’s sort of how White feminists treat Black women.  

    Read what I wrote again.

    True, but society also teaches Black folks to hate Black folks and yet most of us are able to fight that off. Or at least recognize it.

    The most shocking thing to me is how many women are misogynists and spend their time defending other misogynists. They don’t even realize they are willing participants in their own demise.

    That’s about right. I know I’d rather hear Snooki speak than Hillary.

    “Our” lack of outrage? I have plenty. And people talk about be desensitized to it; I don’t get that. I flinch every time.

    Hiya, Ms Cee!

    *shrug* He’s the rap version of Lady Gaga. And it’s working. He’s getting the attention he’s aiming for: almost 5 million views of his Breakfast Club interview.

    Following Luvvie’s lead now? Lol Watch out for that cliff.

    It’s okay to take a break and tune out. Take care of yourself.

    There’s no price to pay for not indicting him. As long as that’s the case they, police and DAs, will keep getting away with it.