One door? How did that get thru plan check??
One door? How did that get thru plan check??
How much for all nine??
@blyan is not on fire: "Shuffle Moomin"
@shufflemoomin: Well, ever since the definition of semantics refers to grammatical connotation and identification of meaning. In this case the term "war," to which he was referring, can be viewed as a formal or informal connotation.
Ours is better.
@blyan is not on fire: Oh, SNAP!
As long as they are good-looking, young women, I have no problem with this. To the 45 year old asian guy that does 65 reps with 20 lbs on each machine and then sits there to recover for 6 minutes, only to leave without toweling off the seat... well, I guess I'll just go help your mail-order girlfriend stretch in the…
@WrittenPyramids: Probably a good move, for Karma's sake, if you believe in that sort of thing. He probably already feels bad enough for the hilarious guesses he was throwing your way. At least he knew he was bad at geography, instead of saying geometry, or something. He could recognize which classes he was failing…
@MavrixWK: Only with the purchase of a large soft drink. You have to read the fine print.
@Dr. Evil Genius: Cold as Winter: When his disability was discontinued, he filed an appeal. He prepared ahead of time because he was never good at winging it, but he didn't have a leg to stand on.
@Platypus Man: Damn it! In the spirit of Christmas I just sent him a fly-sized prototype of ReWalk for Christmas, too! I was too late...
@WrittenPyramids: Dear God. The "$0.02 = 0.02c" representative still works at Verizon?!
@Platypus Man: This particular fly probably just hobbles. He's a mess...
@Dr. Evil Genius: Cold as Winter: The guy's been on disability since day 1. In this case, I'd say he's earned some sympathetic compensation. He sucks at just about everything. When the other flies say "you can do anything you want to do," they weren't talking about him. It's not an equal-opportunity pile of sh*t. …
@Odin: If you hit the blog over at [edit][/edit] you'll find all the pricing details.
Slightly less compression fatigue on the youtube version... feel free to search for "christmas tree flashover" at your convenience. It's hard to personally justify not installing residential sprinklers in your home after seeing full-scale flashover tests in homes. Regular furniture typically takes longer; dry…
@Mpowered: Sounds like somebody needs a spoonful of bean planeeee "nnnnnnnnnnewwwrrrrrrr" *dives* *circles back* *swoop*... you just ate a spoon full of beans, see, it wasn't that bad...
@Ariel_Wollinger: 107 MB? Wtf? Was this scanned at 2,000ppi?
@Mpowered: I've been making this "pile of slop" for a while now, it's easy and if you can have black beans a few times, you'll start to like them. Fry some chicken, steam some carrots and corn, and heat up the black beans keeping that black sauce that's in the can and mix that up. You can make a bunch and set it up…