
What is a mid-tier slap? Btw a slap is open handed by default. And this one was delivered on live tv in response to an extremely tepid joke at the expense of another celebrity which has been the bread and butter of the Oscar’s for...ever? How many fat jokes did they make about Jack Nicholson and he never got up on

Came here to basically say what you said. And the title of this article is so ridiculous too. When did the Academy say or imply that banning Will Smith “solved all the world’s problems?” Should none of us take any action at all in this world ever unless it “solves all the world’s problems?”

What the actual fuck is the point of this article? We SHOULDN’T hold people responsible for live on-camera assaults? We SHOULD but not take so long about it? The Academy is responsible for punishing American citizens of crimes they’ve been accused of but not actually convicted of? Some celebrities are worse than Will

I think the “Progressive Snark Blog” trend has run it’s natural course and is now more dated than Who Let the Dogs Out?

Lot of “whataboutism” going on in this article that in no way actually addressed the assault Smith committed on live television and the response by the organization hosting the show, about which this article is ostensibly titled.

How dare you belittle the role of Dr. Robotnik in the sequel to the movie made about the B video game from 25 years ago.

I don’t really think it should have been up to Chris.  He shouldn’t have had to make the decision.  That’s not fair to him.  

That does not work for obvious reasons. The height of volleyball nets is different in men’s and women’s competition. Basketball sizes are different. In gymnastics they don’t compete on all of the same apparatuses. So who gets to have the standard if sports get combined? Because we all know that will go. 

Can anyone cite or provide links to any polls or surveys on how other female athletes feel about this issue? What I've seen feels like a 60-40 split in favor of letting them compete, but that could just be the bias of my timeline. However, I do think it's extremely important that we allow the women competing against

It makes me laugh that every new upgrade is just “tuck this in here, and fold this here, and this is how you can optimize your packing” and I’m like DUDE my satchel is the size of a loaf of bread, I don’t care how creatively you stack things on top of each other, all the balls/rocks/plants/berries/random trash crammed

The crafting station in town and at camps uses your storage. The field crafting kit should be a last resort, not a first choice.

How else do you think they afford to build a freaking mansion when everyone else in town is chilling in these tinyhomes?

This dude is absolutely taking advantage of children in front of god and the entire organization and honestly, I gotta respect that. I blame Cyllene for allowing this to continue next to her office, I KNOW she can hear his bullshit.

At this point I’ll take what I can get. A choppy-looking incomplete game that’s actually trying something fresh is far more compelling to me than the “I’ll hold your hand and stroll you through a mediocre story” approach of the main series.

That looks cool as hell. I haven’t played any Pokémon games since yellow on GameBoy. My only gripe is that I’ve just never been big into turn-based games. Otherwise this looks great

It’s nice to see the game becoming more dynamic. Even though I’ve never been a Pokemon fan, I do believe the game has a lot more potential than as it stands today.

I don’t know what the answer to the question in the headline is, I’m far from equipped to even begin to offer an answer. She was an 18 year old victim of rape who, as far as I can tell, did not do anything malicious, but was essentially coached into making a false accusation. I understand why people want to hold her

I’m sorry but it’s just not accurate to claim that there is no potential advantage for someone who was born on the male end of the spectrum but transitions to female in athletic competition with those born on the female end of the spectrum. That added testosterone makes a difference, regardless of whether it is

“They have a situation. It’s kind of very distinct.” is the most beautiful piece of film writing I've ever read.