
This was just straight up purchased.

Jessica Jones!

I see no reason to give shitstains like this the benefit of the doubt. They had a chance. And they voted for Trump. That was their chance and they fucked it up.

This is the TIME Design team rn:

That explains why he’s not happy with his cover.

They could have at least done him the courtesy of using a more flattering picture. Maybe this?

You know if he’s so worried about his double chin, he should go ahead and get plastic surgery. I hear Joan Rivers’ last doctors have some slots available.

But seriously, there’s no way the placement of Trump’s face below the ‘M’ isn’t intentional. Time might not be making an intentional statement, but their design team is.

Such a fat gross balding slob. SAD!

Or maybe a good many people who were OK with voting third party or sitting home would have voted against him.

“...also told Mr. Trump that he should consider a parade up Fifth Avenue.”

In my fanfic he does.

I just have this feeling that the footage of Trump saying the N-word had been released, he would have won the popular vote also.

You forgot to mention Christian. Remember the Bible series he and his wife Roma Downey produced starring Satan Obama? Yay Christian values!

Nope. Nope. I’m done with America’s Wild Ride. I’m out.

He’s definitely smiling like Hannibal Lecter in that picture.

This is a wonderful idea. I sent one. Our constitution bans cruel and unusual punishment, and that includes preventing sexual harm from happening to prisoners.

Of all of the awful things that happen on GOT, the many rapes are what I really detest having to sit through. George Martin should fucking stop writing so many of them into his plots and the series producers could skip the fuck over those scenes instead of playing them out in graphic detail.

When you try to make government “small enough to drown in a bathtub,” these are the results. Thanks, Republican greedheads!

It’s a former industrial building in a part of the city nobody gives two shits about. It’s almost certainly never been inspected, and is almost certainly not up to code for live/work and entertaining, as it was used. It’s just a forgotten old building.