Valid Point

There is no way to make a Dan Brown joke funny.

I think you need to see him to really understand what a smug prick he is.

Yea they had some great shows, but the app and especially site were designed by someone who had never seen a streaming service. And it was weirdly obscure. I had to cancel a subscription and go through Amazon just to watch on my PS4.

Geez, you guys missed the best. The Jackal.

"I think it's weird that in an inner-company communication people expect the assertions to be documented."

I read the first half of the document and thought it was overblown. Then I got to the Personality Differences chunk where he makes zero-proof declarations about why, on average, women are biologically less suited for the tech industry. For example:
"- Openness directed towards feelings and aesthetics rather than

You just described the best Rob Schneider movie. I deserve it, and I'll see it.

I would have gone with A Game of Scones

Yea I really liked the Diana and Steve scenes, which were full of genuinely funny moments. If Jenkins had cut those scenes to focus more on Themyscria, it may have turned into another dour DC affair.

Hateful 8 is where I started to see some seams in Tarantino's dialogue. It seemed like every character couldn't deliver a line without first announcing their intent to say something, and giving a primer on how they were going to say it.

Yes, my one sentence joke clearly indicates that I desire to be protected from stories like this.

If only there was some place guys like Carolla could go where they don't have to hear about concepts that make them upset.

Yea! I was just thinking about how side excursions like Oleg's USSR stuff so rarely work in TV. Usually its a shoehorned attempt to keep a major character around after they've served their purpose.

I will point out that realism may not be what the show is going for.

Internet outrage cycle commencing in 10…9…8….

I know I'm not supposed to get everything, but I just can't figure out what the almost all white cast represents? Its like peering into some kind of dream world where black is white, and white is white!

I waited tables for years, and I saw a lot of couples with a pretty big attractiveness disparity. Also, I'm pretty sure most of the women that I've dated have been more attractive than me.

I heard that "a little on the nose" will actually be tattooed on his nose.

Blue Oyster Cult - "Burnin' For You"

Laura Nyro - "Wedding Bell Blues"