
Hmm, a good question! I like that acronym because I don’t have to choose anything. It’s less gendered, and makes room for different identities. Personally, I feel fine with it, but I know that some other people have issues with T being equivalent to LGB, which I do understand, as someone with gender issues.

I use both terms. If I had to choose, I’d say “pansexual” because I’m open to seeing people who don’t fall on the binary gender spectrum (whether that’s a supernumary gender like two-spirit or a meshing or switching, more like genderfluid or genderqueer). But I often use “bisexual”, because I don’t always want to have

Just as a little sidepoint, I’m pansexual, and I really don’t like the word “queer”. It feels like a slur to me, and not reclaimed at all, but that seems to be a generational divide. If others want to use it, that’s their business, but I’d really prefer it not be used in reference to me.

I really don’t like the term “queer” because it was such a slur for me. It surprises me that there are such things as “queer studies”, because it seems almost like naming women’s studies as “bitch studies”, but I’ve come to accept that the younger generations just have a different relationship with this word than I

I figured you’d probably seen it, but I thought I’d post in just in case! Covers all the bases, then.

He’s an extremely thoughtful and kind person. As you can tell, I still think very highly of him, and I miss him a lot. I liked him because of his delightful personality, but of course, he was physically attractive, too. It was a hard line for him to walk, wanting to be appreciated for who he is, but not only the

I am white, and I dated a Chinese-American man, and he felt quite similarly to you. We broke up because of distance, but still are quite fond of one another.

My household is senior-only. I wanted to foster, but the shelter didn’t really need any more foster homes, and so instead, I adopted a 10-year-old dog. She’s wonderful. I understand why people balk at a senior, but they can be really good pets. I love how chill they are, and that they’re already who they’re going to

For those wondering, it seems to be basically someone who cares more about the “hype” of clothing/style than anything else. The kind of person who isn’t interested in why something is cool or popular, but rather that they can get attention for it, and make people jealous or something. The “beast” is the bratty,

I admit that right now, I am very done with “mindfulness”. I’ve been trying to do it, and it just annoys me. I dislike how it’s treated as this panacea, as this magical thing that will make everything better, as if I’m not already trying to pay attention and “be present” and all that shit already. I’m seeing a

It’s our only chance!

I adopted a senior dog (only for companionship), and she’s the worst guard dog in the world. She’s kinda deaf, and is pretty sure that everyone is her new buddy. Pet her for 15 seconds, then she goes back to lie down on her bed. She doesn’t really bark, just sort of wobbles at you. But she sure looks fearsome (no, she

I am so glad that men are coming forward, too, with stories like this, and getting that narrative out there. It’s not easy for anyone, and while women are still often not believed and end up blamed for their own assaults, there is sometimes a different gendered dynamic in being a male victim of sexual assault.

Same here. I don’t want kids at all and would not want to be the babysitter. So, diapers it is. Though I do wish disposable diapers weren’t so.... awful for the environment. I get the expense and difficult of cloth diapering, but it just sucks that the “affordable” option is so destructive.

The only way I found it watchable was knowing a spoiler about the third season, and viewing it through that lens.

I was one of the finalists, too. From the beginning, I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to happen, but I really enjoyed the sense of adventure I had from it.

It’s kinda funny, because with the advent of things like cassette tapes, CDs, MP3 players, etc., I’ve ended up listening to the same songs (with just a growing collection) for 25+ years. In a way, it doesn’t really let nostalgia grow, because nothing ever has to go away.

When I adopted my dog, I wondered about the bed. It’s not that big, so I didn’t really want to share.

You know, I think of Jack fairly often, even as an adult. The moment he was lost in the river, then he comes back, was probably one of the most memorable triumphs of my young reading life.