If you haven’t seen it, The “Victorian Way” series might well interest you. Cooking based off of Avis Crocombe’s cookbook, and she is played by historical interpreter Kathy Hipperson, who is great.
If you haven’t seen it, The “Victorian Way” series might well interest you. Cooking based off of Avis Crocombe’s cookbook, and she is played by historical interpreter Kathy Hipperson, who is great.
As someone who was threatened with that show on a regular basis (being a subject on it, that is), that message literally never came across to me.
I remember people talking about this then, but it never seemed to get any traction.
People who clean subway cars already have it hard enough. I cannot imagine there are many people who like that job, and they probably encounter nasty, gross things all the time. I used to do housekeeping at hotels/motels, and those were disgusting enough.
I cannot stand the style of comedy that relies on people being annoyed or too polite/shocked to stop it, especially as a captive audience. It’s lazy comedy, and generally not even very well-done.
I am an American currently living in a Middle Eastern country with a very strict lockdown but very few cases of coronavirus. So I boned. A lot. This country has a curfew from 6 pm every night to 8 am in the morning during which you can’t leave your home, taxis don’t run, etc.
Does he not realize that uncertainty is baked in to the definition of terms like “modeling” and “prediction”?
Not a professional, just an adult who was once a very anxious child.
The initial idea is indeed lovely! And each subsequent step made sense as substitutions... until the very end!
Personally, I don’t care for the whole “open concept”. It makes me feel like I have no privacy, even when I lived alone. Everything was one continuous space, and there was no real division between anything. I like walls and doors, so I can close myself off. I’m also disorganized, so it’s kinda nice when I don’t have…
I don’t live in the US - I live in Jordan. Normally, the shops here are packed to the gills, with the only “difficult” products to find being pork products or alcohol outside of a specialty shop (no surprises there!).
I am not a man, and I poop when I have to go. If I’m in public, then... I poop in the public bathroom.
Oh, I agree that it wouldn’t work. I rarely really understand why this administration does what it does.
My assumption was that the hope would be that the Biden stuff would eclipse the COVID-19 crisis, and people would be distracted?
I would sneak out to the garage and lick the salt lick. We had them for the deer, I think? They were musty and weird, but... so tempting.
Some of my favorites right now that aren’t just eating things that don’t require cooking:
I’m not trying to be argumentative, here, but there are many people in war zones and refugee camps that are desperately trying not to have kids. I work in the humanitarian sector, and birth control is a very difficult issue.
This is so cute :) I like Kevin’s little jam-band and his intense dancing by himself. Though Howie D was always my favorite, which is important when you’re 12 and thinking that maybe one day, you’ll meet these famous men and which one you thought was the coolest and cutest will matter, as if that wouldn’t be deeply…